< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - vineri, 8 august 2008


More and more doctors leave Romania

About 10% of the Romanian doctors and chemists, as well as 30% of the nurses have asked state authorities for the documents they need to work abroad. The reasons why medical employees decide to leave their native country and search for jobs abroad are their poor earnings and the more offering facilities in other states.

The countries preferred by most of the medical staff wishing to leave Romania are France, Spain, Germany and Britain, where a doctor earns between 1, 600 and 3, 800 Euro and a nurse can gain more than 800 Euro. Both doctors and nurse would earn three or even four times more than they do in Romania an there is also the fact that the hospitals in our country can't compared to the ones abroad.

General practitioners, anesthesia experts, intensive therapy specialists, rheumatologists, orthopaedists and psychiatrists are the most sought for in the EU states.

According to the representatives of the Romanian Ministry of Health, Until July 23 over 7, 000 of the 48, 000 doctors and chemists in Romania demanded to get their practice certificates that would allow them to get employment in the field abroad. 4, 000 of the 136, 000 nurses the country requested for similar documents.

It is to be noticed that districts such as Alba, Maramures, Vaslui, Suceava, Arad and Constanta are faced with a very severe deficit of doctors. According to a survey by the College of Doctors in Romania, in 2007 w doctor was to see to 1, 000 inhabitants, whereas in Italy, Greece and Belgium, for instance, there are 4 doctors to serve 1, 000 citizens.

According to Raed Arafat, a state secretary in the Romanian Ministry of Health, Romanian doctors are like the ones in the European Union and the exodus from Romania is a real problem. He comments: "We must admit that the evolution of a young doctor is much more difficult and sometimes he is prevented from the right progress because of various rules and attitudes within the sanitary system. A young doctor can dare make himself remarked only after a certain age and, anyway, not all of some, but just some" He adds that doctors enjoys much more respects in the other member states and is taught to do several things.

According to the College of Doctors, only 4% of the Romanian doctors left their country last year. But given the number of solicitations for release of documents allowing them to work in the field of health, there is to follow a real exodus in 2008. (A.E.G.)

Articol disponibil la adresa http://www.ziua.net/display.php?id=241212&data=2008-08-08