< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - miercuri, 9 iulie 2008

LATEST - In Brief

Minister Comanescu's visit looks different in Moscow and Chishinau

The Moldovan mass media is now making allegations on the Bucharest-Chishinau relations, after Romania's foreign minister Lazar Comanescu paid a visit to the Moldovan Republic's capital the day before yesterday. The Moldovan press is expressing disappointment, whereas the Moscow press is citing ZIUA as source for analyses of the Romanian-Moldovan relations.

According to a report published yesterday by the "Nezavisimaia Gazata", a Moscow daily, the chance for reconciliation emerged due to the recent meeting between the NATO general secretary Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and the President of Romania Traian Basescu. ZIUA is reported to have mentioned that President Basescu settled the Moldovan Republic's neutrality once and for all. So experts have started mentioning an improvement of the Moldovan-Romanian talks, which is now confirmed after minister Comanescu's visit to Chishinau. The commentary concludes that Chishinau officials are now counting on a refreshing of the talks about a political treaty between Romania and the Moldovan Republic. (...)

On the other hand there is the Moldovan press, mentioning the disappointment of both Romanian and Moldovan journalists and claiming the Romanian foreign minister's visit to Chishinau failed to meet expectations and make clear the evolution of the relations between the two states, despite the hopefulness about this first diplomatic visit following after a break longer than two years. (M.I.)

Articol disponibil la adresa http://www.ziua.net/display.php?id=240000&data=2008-07-09