< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - marti, 17 iunie 2008

LATEST - In Brief

Moldovan forbidden to study in Romania

The Moldovan Republic and Romania didn't sign the Protocol between the education ministries of the two states because of a norm included in the text by the Romanian authorities. The point concerns the making of branches of Romanian superior education institutions on the Moldovan territory, which is not settled in the Moldovan legislation.

Still there is mentioned that the Moldovan ministry is willing to develop and diversify the collaboration with Romania in the field of education and focus the relations on principles such as equality and mutual respect. The information is part of a document answering a question asked by the opposition in the Moldovan Parliament, very critical of the failed protocol.

According to Rompres, Romania has settled 900 pre-university grants and 1,234 university grants for Moldovan students in 2008-2009, the largest number ever for the ex Soviet republic.

According to unofficial sources, 8,000 young Moldovans are now studying in Romania. The Communist regime in Chishinau closed down the Moldovan branches of Romanian universities one by one. (M.I.)

Articol disponibil la adresa http://www.ziua.net/display.php?id=238922&data=2008-06-17