< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - sambata, 31 mai 2008

LATEST - In Brief

Chlorine chicken

The EU intends to do the Americans a favor forbidden by the community legislation, inconceivable for the member states. Brussels wants to please Washington and allow for the import of chlorine-treated chicken from the US.

This procedure is used in American farms to prevent the salmonela. This treatment is forbidden in the EU, where chicken meat producers must invest in alternative procedures, which raises the price of EU chicken.

The European Commission claims that in November 2007 they promised the US this exception and they can't step back now. The EU is thinking about asking that a "chlorine treated" label should be attached to the meat so that the buyer can decide.

During the latest Council of EU Agriculture Ministers, held in May 19, Germany and Romania expressed opposition to this exception. 21 of the 27 agriculture ministers in the EU voted against a new entry of US chicken on the EU market. But the EU negotiator is British, therefore he is trying to help the Americans win. (C.I.)

Articol disponibil la adresa http://www.ziua.net/display.php?id=238125&data=2008-05-31