< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - joi, 15 mai 2008

LATEST - In Brief

Moldovan authorities express claims from Romanian officials

Bucharest is housing more Romanian-Moldovan talks on the basic treaty and the border treaty between the two states and the Moldovan authorities' claims are now prevailing.

According to a statemtnt by the Moldovan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, released the day before the opening of the ongoing talks, Chishinau authorities are proposing that the Moldovan Republic's entire territory and Transdniestria should be included in the scope of the Convention on small-scale border traffic so that the separatist regime in Tyraspol would be ignored. The Communist diplomats in Chishinau have mentioned that the Convention uses a concept such as the Moldovan-Romanian state border, "unfortunately settled by no document", reiterating Moldovan authorities' willingness to sign the above-mentioned Convention and a treaty on a Romanian-Moldovan border as well.

According to the ministry headed by Andrei Stratan, loyal to the Communist President Vladimir Voronin, Romania, as full right member of the EU, has got nor territorial neither other claims over the Moldovan Republic, which would limit the possibility to sign the treaty, a means typical of modern relation between two neighbor states in Europe. The Moldovan foreign minister would also like the document to mention that there are two language versions, a Romanian one and a 'Moldovan' one. (...) (M.I.)

Articol disponibil la adresa http://www.ziua.net/display.php?id=237328&data=2008-05-15