< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - luni, 5 mai 2008

LATEST - In Brief

Renate Weber wants Franco Frattini to resign

The Liberal MEP Renate Weber asked late last week that the EU Justice Commissioner Franco Frattini should resign because of the statement he had made about the free circulation of people. The demand is to reach Jose Manuel Durrao Barosso, a president of the Parliament of Europe, today.

According to Renate Weber, the commissioner misled public opinion because of what he told La Stampa daily in April 23, claiming the Directive on EU citizens' right to circulate in the EU was outdated and in need of revision. There is also the fact that Franco Frattini told Il Giornale that those suspected of having committed a crime should be "arrested at once, charged by means of an emergency procedure and then sent to the countries where they come from to carry out the sentence". The EU official also commented it was unfair that foreign criminals should be housed in Italian prisons.

According to Renate Weber, such a statement is a severe break of the fundamental rights in the EU, therefore the commissioner should resign. (...) (A.M.L.)

Articol disponibil la adresa http://www.ziua.net/display.php?id=236823&data=2008-05-05