< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - miercuri, 23 aprilie 2008


Parliament muffles criminal cases against ministers

The Parliament of Romania is now to consent to the opening of criminal inquiries against some Romanian ministers, but both senators and deputies are claiming they don't know what to do with the records. Parliament officials are actually pointing to a deadlock of procedures, arguing that, once read by the juridical committees, the information in the records would become public and harm the normal progress of Justice.

So yesterday the Parliament officials asked the CSM (Superior Council of Magistracy) to teach them how to use the documents drawn by prosecutors. It is at least strange, since it is the MPs who have insisted that the criminal cases against colleagues should be sent to the Senate or the Chamber of Deputies.

Bogdan Olteanu, a president of the Chamber of Deputies, the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department) sent him the 2,500 pages of the criminal case against Miron Mitrea, but in an unclassified version, more precisely in a box. Secretary Titus Gheorghiof locked them, but now he has got no idea if he is supposed to give them to someone and to whom. The juridical committee has got not answers to these questions. The MPs admit a verdict is not up to them, but they also argue that they may consent to the opening of an inquiry only if they search the grounds of it.

After debating on the Miron Mitrea case yesterday, Bogdan Olteanu decided to demand the CSM to settle an approach to the documents received. The president of the Chamber of Deputies explained: "They claimed that the documents against Mr. Mitrea may become public and ruin the inquiry and the trial. They asked how come that last December President Basescu hadn't received any records, as he himself had announced, but the Chamber of Deputies had received them. We are facing a situation we have never faced before."

Still it is to be reminded that it was him who in the early 2008 demanded Romania's general attorney to provide the Chamber of Deputies with the solicitations for criminal investigations against ministers in the Parliament, along with the documents grounding the cases. (...) (A.I.)

Articol disponibil la adresa http://www.ziua.net/display.php?id=236526&data=2008-04-23