< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - vineri, 4 aprilie 2008

LATEST - In Brief

Moscow's doubts

The postponement of the decision to open procedures for the NATO membership of Georgia and Ukraine hasn't done away with Moscow's doubts. The Russian President Vladimir Voronin is expected to reach Bucharest for the NATO summit today. Yesterday the Russian foreign minister Serghei Lavrov was already in Bucharest.

President Putin's delegation is to arrive today. This week the delegation has already expressed President Putin's desire to make a public statement. The decision NATO reached yesterday in Bucharest has been described by Russia's deputy foreign minister as "a huge strategic error". Aleksandr Grushko has argued the accession of Georgia and Ukraine will be a huge strategic error with severe effects on European security. (...) (G.D.)

Articol disponibil la adresa http://www.ziua.net/display.php?id=235610&data=2008-04-04