< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - vineri, 24 august 2007

LATEST - In Brief

Patriarch was called to death

The complex data collected by the ZIUA investigative team in order to learn the truth about the Patriarch's death entitle us to provide public opinion and state authorities - the Prosecutor's Office or the special services interested in protecting national interests - with a full picture of the circumstances under which His Holiness the Teoctist Patriarch passed away all of a sudden. First hand eye sources have helped us draw a complete report of the surgery, the death and the muffling of the death by surgeon Ioanel Sinescu and his accomplices.

Investigators are to decide why the Patriarch's closest collaborators, who knew he was to be hospitalized that Sunday, and the team headed by surgeon Ioanel Sinescu and anesthesia doctor Dan Tulbure didn't stop giving the patient Plavix, a medicine that should have been eliminated at least 72 hours before the surgery. Competent doctors told us: "The Plavix mustn't even be taken in case of dental surgery". Just as Professor Nicolae Ursea, the Patriarch's personal doctor for 21 years, claims, it was the hemorrhage that caused his death. All those involved in the surgery must tell why, how and when did the Patriarch have a stroke in the fatidic say of July 30, 2007, after the blooding emerging from a plain prostate surgery. They must answer these questions in front of investigators. The death of the Patriarch, called 'The Immortal' in the Patriarchy, is crucial to the Romanian Orthodox Church. (...) (V.R.)

Articol disponibil la adresa http://www.ziua.net/display.php?id=225719&data=2007-08-24