< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - vineri, 15 iunie 2007


Glib tongue

Yes, master!

The US State Department published yesterday on its site, the transcript of a passage from the discussion of Minister Adrian Cioroianu and his American counterpart while the press got access into the hall. The answers of the Romanian official are reduced to approbation words, most of the times one-syllabled words, such as "Yes", "Yes, yes, of course", "that is correct", "certainly" and "thank you very much". Rice took advantage of Cioroianu's presence and condemned the attack produced on Wednesday at a Shiia Mosque in the Iraqi town Samarra, but her Romanian guest interrupted her. After the meeting he had on Wednesday with Condoleezza Rice, Minister Cioroianu said that "it's most likely" that the US President, George W. Bush, pays a visit to Romania, on the occasion of the 2008 NATO summit, according to a Mediafax release. Romanian chief of diplomacy explained that the meeting with his US counterpart had bee a "successful one" and that, in principal, they had talked on the strategic partnership and the importance Romania attaches to the partnership with the USA.

Soundings on the elimination of visas

From the position of a US ally in the military operations, Romania seems to have been removed from the Americans' cards as regards the suspension of visas for the Romanians travelling over the Ocean. On Wednesday, the chief of the Romanian diplomacy discussed this subject with the American officials, and appreciated it is about a process that cannot be solved over night. "Usually, those who leave Romania are relatively young educated people, with a good professional training; they are those that can afford the cost of a journey, when very many Romanians seeking a better job go to Europe", was the message Cioroianu sent to the representatives in the US Congress. According to NewsIn agency, the Foreign Minister met the representatives of the lobbying company MFA intends to conclude a contract concerning the lifting of travel visas for the USA. Cioroianu mentioned that he had met the representatives of the Dutko Worldwide, with who had approached technical details. Last month, the Government approved MFA to pay US$ 84 000 to a US consultancy firm for lobbying with a view to including Romania in the Visa Waiver Program.(Luciana POP)

Articol disponibil la adresa http://www.ziua.net/display.php?id=222385&data=2007-06-15