< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - joi, 7 iunie 2007

LATEST - In Brief

Foreign minister to head Washington

Adrian Cioroianu, a Romanian minister of foreign affairs, is to pay a visit to Washington in June 12-14, where he is to meet with US state secretary Condoleezza Rice and more officials.

According to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the minister is also going to meet with the US President's national security adviser Stephen Hadley, the deputy secretary of defense Gordon England, members of the US Congress, leaders of the Romanian-American community and members of the US academia as well.

On the agenda there are issues like military cooperation, collaboration for regional and international security, Romania's prospects to join the Visa Waiver Programme, the NATO Summit in 2008, global campaign collaboration against terrorism, preparations for the arrival of the first US soldiers to the military facilities on Romanian territory.

The Romanian official is going to take this opportunity to attend a debate at the School of Advanced International Studies of the John Hopkins University and talk about the renewal of the transatlantic partnership for global security. (...) (L.P.)

Articol disponibil la adresa http://www.ziua.net/display.php?id=221885&data=2007-06-07