< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - joi, 7 iunie 2007

LATEST - In Brief

Russia's response for minister Melescanu

The Russian defense minister's adviser reminded Teodor Melescanu, Romania's defense minister, that the last move Russia and Germany had made together had ended up with a world war. Russia had got no intention to participate at common military moves with Romania and Bulgaria, but it would head the missiles against the US military bases in the two states. This is what General Vladimir Shamanov, adviser of the defense minister in Moscow, stated Tuesday evening to ITAR TASS, the Russian official agency.

The Russian official's words are actually a response to the news from France Presse, claiming that the Romanian defense minister said Romania and Bulgaria were going to propose to Russia common military moves to disarm the Moscow-generated tensions at the US bases in the two new EU members.

General Shamanov is reported to have commented: "If he made such a proposal, then the Romanian defense minister doesn't him to have knowledge of history."

They also say the Moscow official emphasized that in the Balkans, especially in Bulgaria, related to Russia by long lasting friendship, Moscow had never and would never plan to have future military operations. (...) (G.D.)

Articol disponibil la adresa http://www.ziua.net/display.php?id=221882&data=2007-06-07