< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - joi, 7 iunie 2007


PSD government in exchange for Tariceanu

Mircea Geoana, president of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), talked to Calin Popescu Tariceanu, president of the PNL (National Liberal Party) and also a Romanian PM, about support for the present Cabinet in exchange to 7 ministries. This high level meeting that took place in Victoria Palace was preceded, according to information, by a long talk between Mircea Geoana, President Traian Basescu and leaders of the PD (Democrat Party) on Tuesday evening.

Traian Basescu's offer was categorical: away with Tariceanu and a PSD government. Both talks were secret. When contacted, political leaders said either that they knew nothing or that there had been no such meetings or that the attendants hadn't informed the parties about it. Just like the previous times, no clear conclusions were reached.

PSD wants guarantees from Basescu

Traian Basescu promised Mircea Geoana that he would become the PM of a government of PSD members exclusively if he gave a hand to drive Tariceanu away. Some PSD leaders are still denying the talks that lasted till late in the night. On the other hand, there are party sources who claim it was held in the private villa of a Democrat. They also say this is not the first promise of the kind President Basescu is making, as he had several talks with the PSD president, also before the making of the 2nd Tariceanu Cabinet. Sources also mention the PSD leader was skeptical about the President's promises and asked him for written guarantees, which Basescu wouldn't do. Still he promised Geoana that the PD would be supporting a PSD government from the shadow, but without taking overt responsibility for such relations. Basescu is also said to have told the Social-Democrats that, in case of getting governing power, they would have to allow for Democrat heads of decentralized cervices. On the other hand, the same sources comment that the visit the US ambassador Nicholas Taubman paid to the PSD headquarters was no coincidence and that Geoana was indirectly demanded to choose either Traian Basescu or Calin Popescu Tariceanu.

Ministries in exchange to support for the government

During yesterday's meeting Geoana asked for ministries and also for a written protocol with the PNL so that the PSD would support the governing Cabinet. According to sources, the PSD leader asked for 7 ministries, Justice, Education, Health and Economy some of them. The PM turned down the offer, telling that he wanted discreet support and that he was offering the Democrats' official positions in local administration instead. The PNL president also expressed willingness to allow a Social-Democrat to take over the Public Television Network. According to sources, it was Calin Popescu Tariceanu, Mircea Geoana and Viorel Hrebenciuc who negotiated.

As Geoana failed to get guarantees from both sides, such talks are likely to continue. They say the PSD is to reach a decision by Friday.



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