< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - luni, 21 mai 2007


Barroso congratulates winner

Jose Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission, congratulated Romanian President Traian Basescu yesterday for his victory in Saturday's referendum. But he also took the opportunity to demand Bucharest authorities to continue reforms, expressing hope that the outcome would allow Romania, a full right EU member, to make progress with the necessary reforms, with the independence of Justice and the fight against corruption in particular.

According to the EU official, Romania needs consolidated politics and Justice to achieve the reforms, along with politicians' solidarity. He also outlined the European Commission would continue to help Romanian institutions meet the EU accession requirements.

Reforms must be accomplished

The EPP president Wilfried Martens and Joseph Daul, president of the EPP-DE group, expressed appreciation for the Romanian electorate's choice as expressed last Saturday. The two officials mentioned in a common declaration that the referendum outcome showed Romanians were convinced that Traian Basescu was the best person to represent their interests.

Martens and Daul pleaded that Romanian reforms should go on. The fight against corruption, the consolidation of democratic institutions and the application of the law were mentioned first. There was also emphasized that the whole political class was to commit to support the reform process.

Graham Watson, leader of the European Liberal Democrats, shared this view and he commented that President Traian Basescu had to be aware that the Romanian people gave him a vote of responsibility. He encouraged Romanian politicians to focus on the EU requirements for Romania, member of the EU. He also expressed hope that the reforms would go on also due to Traian Basescu's support. (A.M.L.)

Articol disponibil la adresa http://www.ziua.net/display.php?id=220981&data=2007-05-21