< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - miercuri, 28 martie 2007


New government to emerge

Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu and the Liberal leaders are determined to announce the making of a new government to include members of the PNL (National Liberal Party) and the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania) and be structured in 16-17 ministries. UDMR leader Marko Bela is likely to become a vice PM for communication and regional development under EU jurisdiction. The PM is going to open the process by writing to the Parliament first. The first letter is to describe the new government structure and the second one is to present the PNL and UDMR candidates.

UDMR takes interest in the Justice portfolio

Liberal leaders are to meet to decide on the actual government members. Liberal sources claim the present plan is the outcome of yesterday's talks. Tariceanu has decided to establish a new ministry to hand the government's structures. Liberal Radu Stroe is the favorite for the time being.

Sources also say that minister Laszlo Borbely will take over the newly made Ministry of Regional Development, but he will also continue with his present attributions. There is also rumored that an UDMR member will take over the Ministry of Communication and that the present minister Zsolt Nagy will continue in power. If UDMR senator Gyrgy Frunda is recommended to take over the Ministry of Justice, the plan may change. The UDMR leader Marko Bela will become a minister of state and coordinate research, culture, education and minorities. Yesterday he confirmed that, if such a government emerged, the UDMR would be interested in the Ministry of Regional Development and the vice PM post. When asked about the Justice portfolio, he answered: "We all are interested in Justice." But he said the UDMR didn't negotiate with the Liberals. (...)

Conservatives turned PM's offer down

Dan Voiculescu, a president of the PC (Conservative Party), mentioned yesterday that the PM had given the PC the chance to reach the government again, but that they had turned the offer down. Romanian Conservatives' leader commented: "We proposed a Liberal minority government. But it doesn't mean we won't give the vote of confidence to a restructured Cabinet to include 1-2 minister from the UDMR. (...)


Articol disponibil la adresa http://www.ziua.net/display.php?id=218308&data=2007-03-28