< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - joi, 22 martie 2007


Completely stuck

All President Basescu's political initiatives have now got stuck. The head of state is actually unable to do a thing. Last Tuesday it was the first time he admitted that the political crisis was reaching institutions too. The solution to the political chaos is therefore up to the Parliament, but the consultations in Cotroceni Palace proved parties didn't share view on solutions.

Basescu has also got available a choice such as resignation, which he is considering, sources close to Presidency say. But for the time being he wrote a letter to the political parties explaining his approach. The head of state is "hand and leg tied" and the context is unfavorable to him. The committee investigating the President's disobedience to the Constitution concluded yesterday that he had repeated broken the Constitution and he was involved in crimes.

The Constitutional Court decided yesterday that the parliamentary committee searching the President's conduct was in keeping with the Constitution. Moreover, deputies' juridical committee decided that the President might be dismissed if the majority of Romanians who went voting agreed.

The uninominal vote is for some other time

The reformation of the political class must start with the uninominal vote, in the President's view. Out of his wish to hold elections for MEPs as scheduled in May 13, President Basescu gave up his intention to hold a referendum on the uninominal vote. But he seems to have been entrapped, since the elections for MEPs in Romania were postponed anyway and the referendum is no longer an issue. There is even more: the parliamentary committee assigned to change the electoral legislation doesn't seem to hurry. Deputies decided yesterday that, once the procedures to suspend the head of state opened, the latter might no longer arrange referendum.

About to be suspended

The procedure to suspend the President has intensified. Dan Voiculescu completed the committee's report in due time and the Constitutional Court announced yesterday that the activity of Voiculescu's committee was legal. There are two more difficult steps to take to suspend the President or arrange a referendum on his dismissal: the Constitutional Court's decision on the reasons for suspension and the Parliament vote. As the Coalition against Basescu is rather large, the vote of MPs doesn't seem to be a problem. During last Tuesday's consultations Voiculescu proposed the President should resign, but the latter replied: "Wouldn't it be better if Tariceanu resigned?"

No means for early elections

Just a few months after being appointed a President, Traian Basescu was pleading for early elections, given the weak majority in the Parliament and the Conservatives' representatives in the government. Early elections were about to be held, but PM Tariceanu changed his mind in the summer of 2005 and the procedure was dropped.

The President mentioned this solution again yesterday, recommending it to the parties. What is certain is that President Basescu has got no means to open such procedure.

Cioroianu to be appointed

Basescu admitted he wanted the Foreign Ministry to be headed by an experienced personality to grant the continuation of the foreign affairs policy promoted by ex minister Mihai Razvan Ungureanu. The Liberals recommended that Adrian Cioroianu should take over, but the President disagreed. The PM informed the Constitutional Court's about the President's refusal, claiming he was blocking the Ministry's activity. But the President's attitude doesn't change the situation at all: Tariceanu took over the Ministry yesterday and he is to rule until a foreign minister is appointed. Adrian Cioroianu will succeed, probably once the PM restructures the government.


Articol disponibil la adresa http://www.ziua.net/display.php?id=217978&data=2007-03-22