< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - miercuri, 14 februarie 2007


Romania assailed from north, east and west

Assailed by its neighbours in the East and having no feasible national strategy on foreign affairs, Romania has failed almost all the regional diplomatic projects. The announced expertise on the Eastern area hasn't been impressive: the EU representative for the Transdniester conflict is a Magyar-origin Dutch citizen and the EU special representative to Chishinau is a diplomat of Hungary.

The Communist officials in Chishinau are seeking support for the European integration in Bulgaria, taking the recommendation made by the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Kiev is reactivating the plan on the federalization of the Moldovan Republic, at the same time accusing Romania of disrespect for minorities' rights. The Romanian initiatives concerning the Black Sea region have been clearly dismissed by Moscow. Because of the Gojdu Treaty, Sorin Antohi, formerly a collaborator of the Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania), is still head of the usurping foundation bearing the name of Gojdu. It is also due to the ex foreign minister of Romania, Mihai Razvan Ungureanu.

Romania is quickly heading the status of a "Federal land" of the Austro-Hungary, as the President of Hungary Solyom Laszlo said yesterday while in Targu Mures that cultural autonomy was a right of all European. He claimed that, if the respective community wanted it, territorial autonomy was possible to achieve too. The official expressed Hungary's support for all these constitutional initiatives. (...)

Kiev to share Basarabia with Moscow and Budapest

At the end of 2005 Russia and Ukraine had reached an agreement on the solution to the Transdniester conflict. After his meeting with the Ukrainian foreign minister Boris Tarasiuk, the Russian foreign minister had stated: "Moscow is supporting the plan to settle the Transdniester conflict as drawn by the Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko." The latter official's plan was very similar to the Kozak plan suggested in 2003, aimed at the federalization of the Moldovan Republic. President Yushchenko's comment brings the latter plan to the foreground once again.

All the foreign ministers of EU states agreed last Monday to appoint Hungarian diplomat Kalman Mizsei a special EU representative to the Moldovan Republic.

Taking Hungary's example, Kiev opened offensive against Romania, in keeping with the Magyar strategy: in a report on monitoring minorities' right, the Ukrainian foreign minister claims the Ukrainians in Romania have got no education or freedom of expression and of religion. According to the Delo publication cited by "Rusia la zi" Agency, in the report there is mentioned that because of Romanian authorities' policy on the Ukrainian minority, the 61,000 Ukrainians in Romania have got one single high school teaching in Ukrainian available, but that this too lacks the necessary equipment (library, gym, labs). The report drawn after the first stage of monitoring mentions that the schools in those localities inhabited mostly by Ukrainians "prevent the stimulation of studying the mother tongue."


Articol disponibil la adresa http://www.ziua.net/display.php?id=215925&data=2007-02-14