< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - miercuri, 24 ianuarie 2007


PSD wants to dismember CSAT

The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) leaders want to replace the CSAT (Supreme Council for National Defense) with a National Security Council, just as they want decisions to no longer be reached by unanimity. It was the PSD president Mircea Geoana who announced it yesterday. He mentioned this idea would be part of the PSD project to modify the national security laws, a project the PSD would bring to the Parliament.

Geoana claimed that, apart from decisions on national security matters such as the participation of troops in missions abroad, the mechanism of reaching decisions in the above mentioned Council should be grounded on qualified majority and precise rules. The PSD leader explained such a measure was necessary since the present CSAT was at a standstill because of the "fight" between the President and the PM, two politicians of different political "colors".

The PSD also wants one single parliamentary committee to check on the intelligence services and the committee head to be a member of the National Security Council. When asked if the PSD was likely co collaborate with the PNL (National Liberal Party) on the project, since the Liberals had announced they too would offer a similar legislative initiative, Geoana denied it. Here is his comment: "We will in no way join the Liberal version or Basescu's version. Because each of the latter is trying to get the influence and power of the intelligence services obey the political master."

When asked about the idea to cut on the number of intelligence services and officers, the PSD president answered that the PSD priority was to make sure there would be "democratic control" on these structures. He added that, depending on the PNL offer, the party would decide during parliamentary debates. (...)

The initiative belongs to the Liberals

The Liberals warned the PSD yesterday that the initiative to dismember the CSAT belonged to the PNL, actually. Romanian Liberals' vice president Ludovic Orban commented: "It is taken from the PNL version elaborated last August or September. Since it is our offer, we will be for the dismembering of the CSAT and the making of a security institution to be like the similar ones in the European states."

Boc: Geoana is saying silly things

The PD (Democrat Party) leader Emil Boc criticized the PSD proposal to sack the CSAT, arguing that it couldn't be grounded by means of a normative document, since the existence of the CSAT was a norm in the Constitution.

Boc explained: "I have never before heard such a large number of silly things said in such a short time." He added such an initiative would call for the revision of the Constitution and therefore for referendum. (O.B., R.G., C.E.)

Articol disponibil la adresa http://www.ziua.net/display.php?id=214719&data=2007-01-24