< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - miercuri, 17 ianuarie 2007

LATEST - In Brief

Kovesi needs complaint

The Romanian General Attorney Laura Kovesi says that for the time being it is unknown whether the note exists or not, just as the contents of it are unknown.

Kovesi explains that Elena Udrea's statements can be investigated only if there is a complaint against them. Late last week Elena Udrea, formerly a state adviser of Presidency Administration, said that senator Radu Stroe had asked her for support to become a minister of defense or a chief of the Romanian Intelligence Service.

Udrea also claimed that PM Tariceanu had sent a written note to President Traian Basescu, asking him to interfere in Justice to help businessman Dinu Patriciu. When asked if the Prosecutor's Office should take action on the two case disclosed by Elena Udrea, given the alleged traffic of influence, the General Attorney answers: "We don't know what it is about yet. If it is about corruption charges, it is up to the National Anti-Corruption Department. If charges are of a different nature, it is up to usual courts. For the time being we don't know if the written note exists, just as we don't know what is on it. When a complaint on the contents of it reaches us, we will probably proceed to investigations." (R.C.G.)

Articol disponibil la adresa http://www.ziua.net/display.php?id=214330&data=2007-01-17