< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - vineri, 26 august 2005


Miscoci is sure Munaf was involved in kidnapping

Yesterday Sorin Miscoci, one of the Romanian journalists kidnapped in Iraq at the end of March this year, ended his witness statement about his captivity and his colleagues'.

After being questioned more than 2 hours, when leaving the Prosecutor's Office building, Miscoci told journalists that at the present stage of investigations he was fully convinced that Muhammad Munaf, their companion to Iraq, was involved in the kidnapping. Despite it, the cameraman working from Prima TV station mentioned that while a hostage he had never realized Munaf's connection with the kidnappers.

Moscoci's lawyer Cristian Sarbu said the following week his client would go to the Prosecutor's Office in the High Court of Justice to make clear some "odd things."

In his previous statement Miscoci said: "I really want to know who is guilty for what happened. We went through terrible times there. Take a look at me. I am 30 and my hair is already white. It's kind of soon for it." Journalists asked him what he would tell those who would be proved guilty and sentenced in the kidnapping case. Miscoci said he hadn't decided yet: "I don't know what I'll tell them. But it seems the Prosecutor's Office leaves me with plenty of time to think about it."

Voichita RASCANU

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