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  Nr. 4320 de marti, 26 august 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief

Romanian gays to get a TV channel with angelic name

The Gay Parade in Romania was over a short while ago, the Gay Movie Evenings are to follow soon and there is also the fact that the homosexuals in Romania will have their own TV channel starting with October 1. It is to have an angelic name and work as an education channel with no porn contents.

The television to be made belongs to the "Be An Angel Romania", an association fighting discrimination. Lucian Dunareanu, a president of the organization, says the new channel will have education, not commercial objectives. He argues that Angelicuss TV is meant to be "a means of communication within our community, communication with civil society and the Romanian audience in general."

The investment made by this Romanian association is as poor as possible, actually consisting in servers only, and most of the technical equipment is to be provided by a gay channel in Germany for free.

Lucian Dunareanu says he is hopeful that the shows can be watched online by 100 visitors by next year.

Initially it was announced that the official launch would take place in September 1, but there has followed a 1-month postponement. The new television station has promised movies, music, entertainment and news to be produced with support from volunteers. And there is to be no porn contents. (Z.O.)

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