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Supreme Council for National Defense on vacation

Several members of the Supreme Council for National Defense in Romania (CSAT) were absent in last Saturday's meeting that took place in Cotroceni Palace, Bucharest, upon request from the President of Romania Traian Basescu. Fun and relaxation seem to have been more important to them than national security affairs, since they wouldn't interrupt their vacation to talk about the state of things in the Caucasus. So the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, Romania's economy minister Varujan Vosganian, the SRI (Romanian Secret Service) chief George Maior, the SIE (Foreign Intelligence Service) chief Mihai Razvan Ungureanu and the President's national security adviser Mihai Stanisoarea did not attend the reunion. The present members talked about the military conflict in Georgia for two hours.

Mediterranean mysteries

Minister Vosganian could not be reached by phone and he did not explain why he could not attend the reunion. At first ministry officials said he was in Romania and then they added he would be back from his holydays today, without mentioning where the minister actually was. The Romanian PM is known to be cruising the Mediterranean together with his family and friends. As for the other officials missing last Saturday's meeting, there is no information about where they are. The only official explanation from the SRI representatives is that general Florian Coldea, a deputy chief, has taken over all the attribution of the SRI chief for as long as the latter is on leave. And the same goes for the SIE chief. So instead of the SRI and SIE chiefs the CSAT meeting was attended by the SIE deputy Silviu Predoiu and the SRI deputy Florian Coldea.

Although not a member of the CSAT, General Francisc Radici, a head of the General Intelligence Department in the Romanian Ministry of Defense, was invited to attend the CSAT meeting, given the issue under debate and the fact that this department is in charge of obtaining, checking, stocking and capitalizing information and data on risk factors, domestic and foreign threats, both military and non-military, that may harm national security.

It is to be noticed that since 2003 Romania has participated at the UN mission in Georgia - UNOMIG - by two observers.

Romania's appeal

Presidency Administration announced last Saturday after the meeting was over that Romania was reaffirming the need to respect Georgia's sovereignty and territorial integrity, adding that institutions had to be ready to evacuate the Romanians in Georgia, if the case. Presidency has argued as follows: "Romania has repeatedly warned about such conflicts as risks for regional security. As far as the situation in Georgia is concerned, Romania is reaffirming the need to respect this state's sovereignty and territorial integrity."

Presidency Administration has also reminded that the evolution of the frozen conflicts in the Caucasus area and the Black Sea region has been a constant concern for Romania's foreign affairs. Therefore "Romania is demanding all the parties to prove responsible and cease hostilities at once, in order to established a frame for negotiations to grant peace and stability in the region." According to the press release, Romania is going to join the international community's efforts, meant to reach a political solution to the Georgia crisis.

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