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  Nr. 4303 de miercuri, 6 august 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief

US Embassy helps flood victims in Romania

The US ambassador to Romania Nicholas Taubman has announced that the US government is going to supply more than 100, 000 RON as humanitarian assistance to help the Romanians harmed by the recent floods, which is also mentioned in a press release coming from the US Embassy in Bucharest.

This is the largest fund allowed by the US government for emergency humanitarian assistance. The money will be used for buying and distributing most needed objects such as beds, water, food, temporary shelter and personal hygiene objects.

For almost 20 years now the US government has been working with Romania in terms of response to disasters and humanitarian assistance in order to prevent and diminish the negative impact of various catastrophes. The USAID contribution has reached $ 4 million, meant for the National System for Management of Emergency Situations in particular. (...)

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