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LATEST - In Brief

Ukrainian high flood threatens Moldova

The flooding in the neighboring country has reached higher than never in the last 100 years and it may soon reach the Romanian territory. Northeastern Romania is already soaked with two waves coming from the northern border.

Romania's interior minister Cristian David mentions: "Ukrainian authorities are providing very few information or no information at all. We can't learn things on time, we can just see what it is going on."

The Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenco has suggested a state of emergency should be declared in the west side of the country. The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has demanded access to the damaged areas in the neighbor state in order to evaluate the disaster that may strike Romania the coming days.

According to the Romanian Interior Ministry, the critical state on the Siret river is now over, but the one on the Prut river is still difficult in the Radauti-Costesti area. The flooding has so far harmed 138 Romanian localities in five different districts, destroying 82 houses and flooding other 1, 450.

Hydrologists say the catchment basin in Stanca-Costesti on the Prut River is the solution, but until getting there the high flooding will sweep everything on the way.

The Costesti mole, the largest artificial lake in Romania, has got a surface of 59 square kilometers. It has been used since 1978 and it is a symbol of Romanian-Soviet cooperation. (G.M.)

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