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  Nr. 4262 de joi, 19 iunie 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief

Bucharest councilors' fortunes still not updated

The general councilors of Bucharest omitted to update their statements on personal properties before the local elections. No matter of winning or losing, they were supposed to state their personal properties publicly during the 2004-2008 mandate. Some of them did it after June 10, when they were sure of their positions. Others didn't hide their scorn of the electors: out of carelessness or on purpose, they didn't announce their fortunes in 2007, 2005 or even 2004. And this is one reason for the poor results of the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party).

According to the law, this may cause the councilor not stating personal properties to be suspended, just as it may cause his/ her fortune to be checked by the committees subordinate to the High Court of Justice. This has never happened and the only sanction so far has been the Bucharest inhabitants' distrust in the political class, as seen in last week's elections. Catalin Deaconescu, formerly a prefect of Bucharest, opined the local elections wouldn't update their statements because of relying on the fact that the law demanded updating only in case of substantial changes. Still most councilors run business and have got extraincome, therefore it is impossible for their properties to be the same several years. In today's edition you can read an account of the state of things (...) ( D.P.)

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