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Electoral propaganda in elections' day

Romanian politicians were quite eager to vote yesterday morning and they took this for opportunity to assail their adversaries and proceed to some more propaganda for their parties, although forbidden by the law. The Social-Democrats dropped hints against the Liberals, announcing the elections would reconfirm their domination of the political stage, whereas the Liberals urged the electors to vote for their own candidates.

It is to be noticed that, according to Law 67/ 2004, electoral propaganda is banned after the electoral campaign is over. People are also banned to advise citizens in the election day and in poll stations to vote for or against a politician or a political party. The sanction for such a crime consists in a fine to reach 700- 1,000 RON. (M.T.)

Independent candidate Sorin Oprescu: "An independent, liberal and social vote"

"First of all, it is a vote as independent as all Bucharest citizens. Then it is a liberal vote, just like my profession is. And not last it is a social vote, for I have been taking care of people all my life. I have voted hopeful it will be better for us." (R.I.P.)

Social-Democrat candidate Cristian Diaconescu: "For law and discipline"

"It is important that we should make a change. I have voted for the law and for discipline, for the respect we owe to our families from the local communities. I have voted for those who know and who can do things. We need to see if those who have managed the interests of Bucharest inhabitants so far are still able to do something and if it is normal for us to continue this way in Bucharest." (C.A.)

Democrat-Liberal candidate Vasile Blaga: "I'll get the chance to rule Bucharest"

"I've voted for people who have got solutions. I am convinced I will make it to the second tour. If I get the chance to rule Bucharest, and I am sure I will, I think the Bucharest inhabitants will want me to continue." (A.I.)

Liberal candidate Ludovic Orban: "Vote with the brain"

"I have voted for a European Bucharest that we should all love and like living in. Electors have got power once in four years. They have got the power to make a chance to the better in Bucharest and I am begging them to use this power and vote with their brains!" (M.T., R.I.P., C.A., A.I., R.G.)

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