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  Nr. 4219 de vineri, 25 aprilie 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief

National Museum of Art to return confiscated paintings to Ceausescu family

The Bucharest court admitted last Thursday the appeal authored by Valentin Ceausescu, a son of deceased Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu. The court reached verdict that the National Museum of Art is to return to the dictator's family those paintings confiscated during the Revolution in December 1989. The Bucharest Court of Appeal may be addressed against the sentence in 15 days' time. (...)

Valentin Ceausescu asked to get back the confiscated properties 10 years ago by means of a complained sent to the Prosecutor's Office. In 1996 the latter institution decided the properties were to be returned. The museum officials announced they would obey the decision by 1997, but they did not. Therefore Valentin Ceausescu addressed the Bucharest Courthouse. He also sent a complaint to the Romanian Ministry of Justice, which was sent back to the Superior Council of Magistracy and then to the court of Appeal.

The most important works of art to be returned are paintings by Romanian painters like Gheorghe Patrascu, Teodor Pallady, Nicolae Tonitza and Alexandru Ciucurencu, Corneliu Baba and Spanish artist Francisco Goya, together with wooden Christian icons, wooden maks and Pre-columbian art. (Z.O.)

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