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Scheffer: looking ahead to NATO's Bucharest Summit

Romania joined NATO only a few years ago, but it has quickly established itself as a very committed and valuable member of the Alliance. At the beginning of April, your country will be the proud host of a NATO Summit meeting, which will be a major political event. And I really appreciate this opportunity to discuss with you how NATO is responding to the 21st century security environment, and the key priorities for the Alliance in the run-up to the Bucharest Summit. (...)

For almost six decades, NATO has not only successfully adapted to changes in the international security environment, but also managed to steer those changes in a positive direction, and to shape the security environment. The inclusion, over the past decade, of Romania and nine other countries has been an enormous boost for the NATO team - and a great step towards a Europe that is whole and free. With a clear vision for the future of Afghanistan and the Balkans; agreement on the next stage of NATO enlargement; a greater ability to meet 21st century risks and threats to our security; and a further strengthening of our partnerships across the globe — our upcoming Bucharest Summit will demonstrate that NATO is as capable as ever before to meet the challenge of change.

Speech by NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer at Bucharest University, Romania

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