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Melescanu to head justice, Stroe to head defense

Romanian Liberals decided yesterday to propose that Teodor Melescanu be appointed a minister of justice and Radu Stroe become a minister of defense. The decision was made because there were 12 Liberals to vote against the idea of a "complex" government restructuring. Sources from the PNL (National Liberal Party) say that, if the President of Romania refuses to appoint one of the two Liberals, the party will respond by proposing senator Norica Nicolai at once for any of the two ministries.

The government change idea failed also because Mircea Geoana, head of Romanian Social-Democrats, had just demanded the government to resign. "Geoana said it before we voted on the government restructuring or the changes suggested by Calin Popescu Tariceanu," sources comment. (...)

Melescanu voted against himself

According to sources, at first PM Tariceanu proposed only Teodor Melescanu for the Ministry of Justice, but later on he proposed Radu Stroe for defense too, due to vice president Ludovic Orban's insistence.

Sources also claim Teodor Melescanu is not at all happy with the ministership offered, for it is about Justice, a field involving "great difficulties". He even voted against himself and it is only due to one single ballot that he was chosen in the end.

As for Radu Stroe, now a candidate to take over the Ministry of Defense, he is a head of the parliamentary committee in charge of the Romanian Secret Service and now the Liberals will have to make a different choice for a person to take over the latter committee.

PM urges PSD to bill against government

The Romanian PM told in front of the TV cameras that the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) could proceed to bill in the Parliament if the party wanted government change. It was his reply to the PSD request that the Cabinet should resign.

As for a possibility such as early elections taking place at the same time with the local elections, he said the party hadn't taken it up yet.

The PNL vice president Norica Nicolai commented yesterday that her party's decision was to put an end to the crisis by recommending Teodor Melescanu for the Ministry of Justice instead of her. As for the Romanian President's stubborn refusal to appoint her, she only mentioned the smart one always surrendered first. "I have said I have never longer to become a minister and I have never asked for it", she added.

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