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Preparations for NATO summit are "on schedule"

The visit the NATO general secretary paid to Bucharest yesterday was meant to check on the preparations for the NATO summit due in Bucharest in the early April 2008. Georgeta Ionescu, a general secretary of the Chamber of Deputies in the Parliament of Romania, admitted yesterday that the preparations were "on schedule".

On the other hand, the website (www.summitbucharest.ro) of the event due in April is almost impossible to use. The English description of Romania is just a blank to fill.

In keeping with the calendar

According to the Georgeta Ionescu, the Romanian Parliament is still making organization details clear, which is why so far there has been completed no auction on the goods and services involved in the event. She claims the first bidding is scheduled for early February. She explains the Parliament is to see to the location sheltering the event and the equipment needed: translating devices for 22 languages, specific furniture, scheduling and catering. She claims bidding is the way to settle these points. She adds the plan can actually be completed only after Brussels has sent the last details. The official says this is due next week. And then the Parliament may see to the auctions for less expensive objects and services. The secretary of the Chamber of Deputies has also mentioned that the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in charge of the documents and portfolios to be distributed to the participants.

Bucharest under siege

There are about 10,000 people to see to the security of delegation members to attend the Summit. Agents employed by the Protection and Guardianship Service, the Romanian Secret Service, the Interior Ministry and the Ministry of Defense are going to supervise all the locations housing the summit sessions and all the accommodation locations as well.

Two AWACS aircrafts are to monitor air traffic nonstop and two flights of MiG-21 LanceRs are to be ready for action in case of any intrusion on Romania's air space. More equipment will be ready for action too. (...) (R.I.P., D.D.)

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