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Your Majesty, do you want monarchy or not?

There are now 60 years since King Mihai was forced into abdicating. And for 17 years have we hoped that he will get his throne back. My heart clutches every time I step inside an episcopal or metropolitan church or inside the patriarchal church and I see the thrones in the dark, tide with museum ropes, as if for eternity. The museum ropes must be torn apart and the King and Queen, the rightful rulers of Romania, must get back the seats meant for them, right in front of the holy shrine.

It is 2007 and we are wondering pensively: Where is your people, Your Majesty? And even more pensively: Where is your King, Romanian people? In case you don't or you do know, in case you remember or you don't want to remember, you have had a King for more than 65 years, a King who intertwined your destiny with Europe's true history several times. It is a King whose ancestor brought you to the civilized world, bestowed independence and even more, dignity, onto you. It is a King whose grandfather made you a whole and whose father elevated your culture, despite all his flaws.

When ruminating on how many misdeeds the Kings suffered, I tend to think that destiny may have one more great surprise in store. Remember that Carol II, his father, much beloved by the ideologists of that epoch (well, the intellectuals!), usurped his throne in 1930 by improvising an embarrassing title: "a voivode of Alba Iulia". Perhaps the only more dreadful humiliation the poor King had suffered had been during the "cohabitation" with Antonescu. I don't know if such a comparison has been made, but it seems obvious to me: the Antonescu-King Mihai couple makes us think about another couple, a recent one, but not very recent, El Caudillo-Juan Carlos. I am skipping the similarities in terms of character and psychology. Franco saved Spain, monarchy, Western Europe, risking to defile his own posterity. Antonescu, a genuine Romanian, lost the war, just as he lost monarchy and Western Europe. As we very well know, he didn't spare his own posterity of rebuke.

In this point it is important that we should remember the second great "coup", this time administered, but not suffered: August 23, 1944. There is a precedent, therefore it is possible! And we are getting to December 30, 2007: the young man awarded the Stalin Order surrendered and chose exile in front of Vishinaski's rude fist (and the blackmailing threat to assassinate 1,000 students), that man who presently got under terrible pressure from Groza and Dej. The Western kingly courts turned their backs on him "politely", which seems to me the most smarting slap King Mihai I has ever got.

But there is compensation for everything. How many "ruling" monarchs in Europe can "boast" about their destiny? None. Even if he won't get his throne back, Mihai I of Romania will continue to be the genuine model of a tragedy hero, above transient circumstances. A Shakespearean hero in a Balkan play!

But the stage director hasn't decided on the denouement of this "play" yet: Will there be a last act or not? Will they play it dressed in court garments or in carnival costumes? There is an explanation to this dilemma: the director can't decide it all by himself, without talking to the protagonist. But the latter seems to be dozing in the prompter's pit. They must wake him up at once and ask him overtly: Your Majesty, do you want monarchy for Romania or not? How will the play God entrusted you with more than 80 years ago end? To wait for offers, even if polite ones, from the political class means to wait for the murderers still ruling our country to apologize. And it will never happen. The throne is the King's and the King must ask to get it back, without sparing anyone. The King must fight, struggle and sacrifice himself, if the case, in order to recuperate his own throne. Otherwise he proves unworthy of it.

Right now the only important political issue in Romania is the referendum on a form of government. Monarchy must not be perceived as hope, which is infantile. It must be approached maturely, like a reality of law. It is the reality 60 years ago, when Romania existed indeed on the European continent. It wasn't just surviving in republican pants.

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