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Ioan Rus resigns as head of PSD group in Cluj

Ioan Rus, a president of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) local branch in Cluj, resigned yesterday, but he will continue as a vice president of the PSD. Sources close to him say he won't give up the fight and he will get involved in important political projects, but stay in the shadow.

The split between the PSD group in Cluj and the PSD president Mircea Geoana is growing more and more obvious after the resignation of Ioan Rus. The insisting reproaches for the group in Cluj, regarding a rather poor score in the Euro-elections, turned Ioan Rus into a target. And he chose resignation in order to stop being the target of criticism from all sides. It is an occult resignation lacking real reasons. After all, he fears the local elections, for polls show the PSD can't reach higher than 9% in the region.

Sources close to him claim his resignation is a way to look ahead. They say he will be trying to refresh a project such as a party of Transylvanians, a structure to join the Democrat-Liberal Party, that is the Romanian President's party. His comeback to the battle for leadership over the PSD is little likely, given his health problems, sources add.

Vasile Soporan is going to be an interim president of the PSD group in Cluj until the domestic elections due in January 2008.

Geoana: Hasty decision

The decision to resign didn't take the PSD president Mircea Geoana by surprise. The leader claimed it was a hasty decision, still he reminded about the poor score in the Euro-elections and about the health trouble. The leader commented: "It is a good thing that he will spend more time and energy for his status as a vice president of the PSD. He suffered from a very nasty and long lasting disease."

He assured that Ion Rus wouldn't leave the party, on the contrary he would get even more involved. "This is a gesture of self-evaluation", he added. (...) (C.A.)

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