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Italian authorities ready to expel Romanians

The authorities of Rome, Milan, Naples, Turin and Florence have started to draw lists of Romanians who may be expelled. The number has already reached 5,000. The camp in Tor di Quinto, inhibited by Roma-origin Romanians, was demolished yesterday. The Italian Police started checks on more locations and arrested some Romanian citizens. They shot a Romanian just as he was stealing something.

As for Romania, it has responded by announcing that there are almost 4,000 Italians in the country, but not registered. On the other hand, two organizations dealing with the protection of the Rome people's rights have accused the Romanian mass media of favoring "the making of a new Holocaust" and in the meantime the Romanian murderer's case reached the US press.

As for Walter Veltroni, the mayor of Rome, he said last evening that he was ready to sign the first decision on Romanians to be expelled. But the Italian press claimed last evening that he had already signed four such decisions.

Commissioner Frattini warns Italy

Here is what the EU Justice Commissioner Franco Frattini told the "Il Sole" daily: "I want things to be clear. Neither the European Commission nor national governments may take another EU state for a factor of criminality. Romanians make a numerous community in Italy. There are Romanians who work there and they are integrated, just as there are Romanians who commit crimes, who committed crimes in their native country too and who took Romania's EU accession as an opportunity to come to Italy. We can't possibly equate Romanians with criminals."

The ex member of the Berlusconi Cabinet also mentioned that Italy could have prevented the uncontrolled flux of Romanian migrants, had it applied an EU directive adopted in 2006. He commented it was very incautious to have no measures to allow for the expelling of criminals, of those who couldn't earn a living or jeopardized public order at once.

According to "Il Messagero", the EU Commissioner thinks the decree the Italian government had urgently passed after the Romanian migrant's murder was just an interim document. He claimed the text should also include measures to allow for the use of the EU directive elaborated in 2006.

Romanians aren't the worst

According to Paolo Sartori, Italy's domestic affairs attache, the Romanians aren't the worst criminals in Italy. He admits they are on the top, but he adds it is important that the Romanian community is the largest in Italy. He comments: "The situation of the Romanians in Italy needs to be settled by more means than the police ones. I mean social, political and cultural action."

He argues: "To say that Romanians are the worst criminals here is judicially ungrounded. It is a subjective evaluation. One murder can't make you say such a thing. (...)"

As far as the collaboration with Romanian authorities is concerned, he is very satisfied with it. (A.M.L., B.G.)

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