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LATEST - In Brief

Black Sea can found Europe again

Pat Cox, a president of the International European Movement and formerly a president of the Parliament of Europe, is visiting Romania these days to talk to numerous officials.

His visit is related to the Bucharest conference by the International European Move, due in November 28-30. The event is to tackle the new European neighborhood policy and synergy in the Black Sea region. Guests from Belorussia, Ukraine, the Moldovan Republic, Armenia, Georgia and Azerbadjan are to attend. In his exclusive interview to ZIUA, Pat Cox develops upon EU matters and the evolution of politics in Bucharest. (...)

According to Cox, both the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea are a solution to provide diversity and security to the supply regions and they are vital to the EU interests. Romania and its neighbors are in the front line of such an achievement.

As far as Romania's part is concerned, Cox opines every European nation should stop taking itself as reflecting the position of a small country, in political terms. In Cox's view, this is related to the respect for human dignity and for diversity within the EU. He pleads every nation should be aware that it is a component integrated in a larger process, a component assimilating its own national dignity. He opines there mustn't be and there will never be second hand European citizens or a temptation to treat them as such.

When it comes to what is going on in Romanian politics, Cox claims it sounds interesting. He outlines he has noticed that political debates and discourses have been growing more unrelenting lately. He calls this unsettled debate. Those who watch it from abroad, he argues, can't really grasp such unsettled debates. He insists that domestic subtleties can't be deciphered from abroad. Still he opines it is beyond doubt that Romanian politics has been robust in the last two years and a half. He adds "they" haven't been used to such politics, even if in the other member states' politics we can sometimes notice such vigorous attitude.

Cox opines that the many elections to be held in Romania in such a small period of time may exhaust electors, which he describes as a risk. He comments there should emerge a new quality dimension in politics and parties so that the electorate can focus on an idea and a hope. He highlights it is important that Romanian politicians should precisely explain to citizens the destinations they intend to head, the clear prospects Romania has got, in economic terms in particular. (...)

Cristian UNTEANU, Brussels
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