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  Nr. 4043 de marti, 25 septembrie 2007 
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PSD bill against government reaches Parliament

The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) bill against the government reached the Romanian Parliament yesterday, due to the list of 139 signatures expressing support for this initiative. PSD members Ion Iliescu and Adrian Nastase signed for it too, although opposing the bill idea. Last Friday Ion Iliescu had mentioned that he would obey the party decision, still expressing hope the bill would fail. As for Adrian Nastase, he put it bluntly that he was "reluctant". Yesterday in the Parliament there was a large group of Social-Democrats also expressing skepticism about the odds of this PSD action. The document is to be debated in the Parliament next week and it needs 235 favorable polls in order to pass.

Adrian Nastase's reticence

After the meeting of PSD deputies yesterday, the ex PM Adrian Nastase said he had signed for the bill against the ruling Cabinet to abide by the rules in politics, although he was "reticent" about the political situation to emerge in case the bill passed. He also mentioned he was hopeful that it would help things become clear within the party. He commented: "Just like other colleagues in the parliamentary groups, I still think the same about this action. I am somehow reticent, since I haven't realized yet what will follow if the bill is successful." As for Ion Iliescu, he had said a few days before that he was hopeful the bill would fail. (...) (R.A., R.P.)

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