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  Nr. 4037 de marti, 18 septembrie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief

BOR to meet with CNSAS

CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) member Laurentiu Tanase is to meet with His Beatitude Daniel, a Patriarch of the BOR (Romanian Orthodox Church) on Wednesday and talk about the questioning of the high clergy.

Because several BOR representatives refused to undergo questioning by the CNSAS members, the latter institution assigned Laurentiu Tanase to talk to the Romanian Patriarch about it. The CNSAS official mentions "there is a negative media image because of a seeming conflict between the CNSAS and the BOR". He argues that all the CNSAS members do is apply the law, as no professional category is above the law.

The BOR announced last week the start of checks on the clergy's activity under the Communist regime to be proceeded to by the committee the Holy Synod established. The outcome of the checks is to be released the following months. (C.A.)

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