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  Nr. 4037 de marti, 18 septembrie 2007 
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Social-Democrats persuade Liberals

The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) has got a hottest week ahead. The Social-Democrats are to make clear their terms with the government and their domestic difficulties. As far as the bill against the ruling Cabinet is concerned, they are aware they have reached the point of no return. As for the effects of it, no one would answer such a question.

There has been no information about the talks between the PSD and the PNL (National Liberal Party) and both sides have often denied such collaboration. Still the PSD leader Mircea Geona is getting ready to put Adrian Nastase aside, as he is abroad this week.

In the meetings due today and tomorrow the Social-Democrats are to analyze the bill against the government. And in today's Senate session they will be trying to dismiss the emergency ordinance on the government restructuring. Some think this would make the government collapse. This is how the Social-Democrats want to persuade the Liberals. Until yesterday there was only rumor on talks between Viorel Hrebenciuc and some PNL officials or between Mircea Geoana and Traian Basescu, President of Romania.

Mircea Geoana got a serious warning from the PSD group in Cluj. Vasile Puscas, a member of the latter group, argued that all the PSD leaders would be responsible for the bill's effects.

Tomorrow is a hottest day also because party members will be analyzing the solicitation that Adrian Nastase and Ion Iliescu should be expelled from the PSD branch in Bucharest, District 1. Party sources opine this is little likely to happen.

Mircea Geoana paid a visit to Prahova yesterday, when Marian Saniuta was appointed to head the PSD branch there. This is how he obstructed Adrian Nastase's lately rumored attempt to take over this branch. Sources also say that to summon an extraordinary congress and sack Mircea Geoana is also unlikely. They comment the PSD president's future is likely to be decided on after the election of MEPs takes place in Romania.

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