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  Nr. 3958 de luni, 18 iunie 2007 
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PIN looks for UDMR's "can foundations"

Gusa has written to Barosso

PIN (National Initiative Party) chairman, Cozmin Gusa, accused yesterday the Hungarian Foreign minister for having intervened in Romanian justice in the investigation case of the UDMR (Democratic Union of the Magyars in Romania) leaders. He said that the Hungarian high official had done than to protect private financial interests from Hungary that had financed the Union's leaders. Gusa announced he has sent a letter to the president of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barosso, to bring this fact to his knowledge. He claimed that UDMR has been financed by institutions in Budapest through "can-foundations" set up by members of the Union and which have used the funds in their own interest. According to Gusa, a part of these foundations have also financed the businesses of some oligarchs close to UDMR. The PIN leader also said that her has sent the president of the European Commission a letter by which he explained the reason the Hungarian Foreign minister had intervened, as well as his wish to have a debate on this al the European Commission's level. Gusa pointed out the fact that such interference in the justice of a country is "unprecedented" in the EU history.

Kelemen: "Gusa is lying!"

UDMR's executive chairman, deputy Kelemen Hunor, denied yesterday all the accusations the PIN leader, Cozmin Gusa launched against the Union. "Unfortunately, Mr. Cozmin Gusa is lying. It is not the first, either the last time he does this, and we have already got used to it. It is only by such statements that Mr. Gusa can put himself foremost ", replied Kelemen.

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