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Roma teenager kills herself for love of knowledge

A 17-year old student in the village of Frumoasa, the district of Harghita, hanged herself last Friday because her parents prevented her from going to school anymore. Szomma was a Roma ethnic to turn 18 in a few months' time. She wanted to show she was able of the same intellectual achievements as the rest of her colleagues.

According to Mediafax, Szomma had been among the first to be admitted in the high school in Miercurea Ciuc. But her parents told her she had to marry and have lots of babies by the Roma book, instead of studying to become a nurse, as she aspired.

Ferencz Tibor, a mayor of the village, comments: "We paid for her monthly bus fees and her clothes because she was a very gifted child and she deserved all the efforts to get a life." Village priest Gabor Zoltan argues in his turn: "She was a child afraid of God who used to come to church. She could speak both Romanian and Hungarian, which her parents were displeased with, because they wanted their daughter to be uneducated. I am mourning the poor innocent child, who confessed to me that she wanted to go to Medicine School and help her fellows, which other doctors avoided."

Zsomma hanged herself Friday morning after writing a message in Hungarian on the walls of her room: "School is me!" (A.G.)

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