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  Nr. 3934 de luni, 21 mai 2007 
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Campaigning Basescu

We have unfortunately got the occasion to point out that this daily's estimations were right. The five parties who suspended Basescu were unable to mobilize the electorate and this is why he won the referendum. Coincidence has it that the score is relatively equal to the one he got in the 2004 presidential elections. Just like in 2004, there are 5,5 million Romanians who voted for him. It is something like between one third and one fourth of electors, as estimated by the National Institute of Statistics and the Central Electoral Office. And there are less than 50% of citizens who went to poll stations last Saturday. Had the Constitutional Court disagreed to change the referendum law, last Saturday's procedure wouldn't have been valid. And Basescu would have stayed suspended for other referendums.

I was also right to announce, which the Democrats' leaders denied at once, that Basescu would arrange a demonstration in the University Square on Saturday evening and that he would continue this way. As predicted, the political crisis hasn't come to an end by this referendum. It is now reaching the critical state and it may take two years and a half. In order to obey his own strategy, Basescu has got to play a politician in relentless electoral campaign each and every day instead of playing a President mediator.

Not at all surprising, Traian Basesu has approached the second part of his mandate as President with one of the bluntest lies Romanians could ever hear. In the demonstration following after the unofficial announcement of the outcome he said he gained one million polls more than in 2004. This is not true, for official figures can't lie. Basescu's score is the same as the one in 2004. It is only 5,5 million citizens who support him and they are minority. As he announced, he will be relying on this minority to attain some goals he mentioned and some secret ones he didn't mention, still easy to guess.

The most important one is to establish a powerful presidential party to help him get one more mandate for Cotroceni Palace. He wants to push things to dissolve the Parliament in order to achieve a different political configuration able to turn him into a president-player. After all, this will mean a presidential republic. But he would rather be trying to settle a popular republic, since he is standing no chance to make the representatives of five political parties leave the Parliament.

The scenario rumored a few days ago, claiming the Democrats would step back to cause a parliamentary crisis, is not likely, because, given the law, the respective senators and deputies would be replaced by those following next on the lists of 2004, which is the Liberals. Until the making of the 2nd Tariceanu Cabinet, Basescu had access to a certain number of means to place governmental orders via the Democrat ministers. But now he can no longer act like a player in both domestic and foreign affairs. The promises he made for the referendum can't be kept.

Then what is there left for the President to do? Noise and scandal. His face on the TV screen and in the press will grow noisier and noisier. As for the meetings he promised to have with citizens in the University Square, the symbol of democracy, every three weeks, they will be trying to incite some people against the fundamental institutions of the state and of democracy, such as the Parliament, the government, political parties, Justice and media. Basescu will actually be trying to stir a small part of people against the larger part, against those Romanians who supported him neither in elections nor in the referendum. Because of this he may get suspended again.

Sorin Rosca STANESCU
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