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Commissioner Frattini congratulates ministers Blaga and Macovei

In yesterday's press conference in Bucharest Franco Frattini, a Vice President of the European Commission and an EU Commissioner for Justice and Internal Affairs, expressed his support for the initiatives belonging to the Romanian interior minister Vasile Blaga and the Justice minister Monica Macovei. He even congratulated the two officials for their achievements in the pre-accession stage. He mentioned in his speech minister Macovei's approaches and approved of them entirely. Yesterday he had a meeting with the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu and with the above-mentioned ministers as well. He was to talk to the President of Romania Traian Basescu yesterday afternoon.

The National Integrity Agency

According to the Justice Commissioner, Romania needs the ANI (National Integrity Agency) which is meant to serve Romanians' interests. He outlined that the possible weakening of the ANI was to be avoided and expressed hope that the Parliament would pass this draft.

Frattini argued for minister Macovei's idea that it would be best for the new Criminal Code to come into force at the same time with the new Criminal Procedure Code, as the two had to go together. He also stood by the Romanian minister's view on the procedure to appoint prosecutors. He highlighted that it all depended a lot on the way the Parliament would handle the reform implementation.

The DGA and minister Blaga

The Commissioner explained that the Romanian interior minister had informed him about the appointing of a new chief to head the DGA (General Anti-Corruption Department in the Interior Ministry). He said he was convinced that the new official would work hard to investigate and fight against corruption. When asked about the ex DGA chief's accusations against minister Blaga, the EU Commissioner expressed his full trust in the latter Romanian official. Still he added that, when one had evidence, one was to fetch it to the prosecutor at once.

He praised minister Macovei for her crucial part in the reform consolidation and he also opined that PM Tariceanu was right to confirm and keep her in the government.

Visas for Moldovans

The EU official also took up the visas for Moldovans and the latter's solicitations for Romanian citizenship. He claimed he had received from minister Macovei the new citizenship law, which EU experts would analyze. He argued that the Moldovan Republic should be encouraged to support the making of a visa center. He explained that by cooperation an agreement could be achieved next April. He also opined cooperation could cause the number of citizenship solicitations to diminish. He expressed his appreciation for minister Blaga's initiative to establish an EU visa center in Chishinau. (...)

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