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Basescu brothers

It's for the third time - and the first half of the mandate hasn't ended yet - that Traian Basescu's brother gets into the forefront of the public attention. It occurred every time under at least questionable circumstances, not to say doubtful. Now Mircea, the president's brother, is involved up to his neck into the energy business. Right the ones his brother Traian has repeatedly and with a susceptibly perseverance denounced, on behalf of the national security. How did Mircea reach the status of a "clever guy"? Is it by Traian's blackmail? And what should be the feedback of the Justice, political class and civil society, when there are on the table the evidences of an act of obvious favouring on public funds, of a businessman, given that he is a close relative of the first man in the State?

President Traian Basescu has announced today that he would take part in the Government meeting. That is an attempt to make the PM Tariceanu give up the postponement of the elections for the European Parliament. The head of State's approach is again violating the letter and the vision of the Constitution. It is, in fact, the Fundamental law on which, on the occasion of his investment, he sworn to respect. The law strictly defines the situations when the President can make use of his right to participate in government meetings. The elections issue, no matter their nature, is not stipulated, under any circumstances, among the conditions provided by the Constitution. That is for the simple reason that the elections represent a issue of domestic policy and the establishing of its date is one of the chief of the Executive's prerogatives. What crowns it all is that Basescu makes himself guilty of this new challenge to the law, exactly when the activity of the Parliamentary Committee of investigation on the presidential actions is ongoing. That's a new proof of contempt towards the Legislative institution. Or, maybe, he simply doesn't care, as he is convinced he won't be either suspended nor dismissed. What can the Romanian Government do in this situation? Normally, Basescu should be left in the street. There are enough legal arguments for the access of the chief of State in Victoria Palace is, this time, forbidden. But, probably, the reaction will not be so radical. Be it so, and if we think that PD (Democrat Party) ministers are part of the Government, too. And PD was, is and will be, at least for a while, a presidential party.

However, if Basescu goes to the Government meeting, maybe it would not be amiss for the Government to supplement the meeting agenda and to raise discussion on his brother's connection, that is his also, with the energy. Eventually, the public opinion is waiting for an answer to some common sense questions. How was it possible for Mircea Basescu to acquire energy, through the mediation of Energy Holding Comp., from the State owned enterprises - on which the presidential institution has been making pressures for two years, by also launching public threats -to a price by 50 % lower than the one paid by the population? And also cheaper than of any other type of consumer in Constanta County? Do the companies of the President's brother use all the energy? By the way, we need to mention that the energy acquired this way would be enough for lightening the boulevards linking the Free Press House and Unirea Square in their entirety. Does Mircea Basescu happen to racket on reselling energy? On this occasion, we should also clarify the other two weird circumstances when, in 2005, the brothers were holding a small company with debts at the State, still not listed in the President's wealth statement. Or, how can we explain the coincidence that the only firm in Constanta County that had received an export licence for the poultry meat last year was the same one of brother Mircea?

How do Basescu's legalist colleagues in the Democrat Party react in front of these new challenges? Or his few interested friends from among the intellectuals or some sponsored NGOs?

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