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  Nr. 3865 de luni, 26 februarie 2007 
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The occult chain

A short while ago we had a sadly notorious example with 50 people calling themselves representatives of Romanian intellectuals and defending the unstained Traian Basescu. And we can now see a similar scenario, which is a clue that the promoters' imagination is rather poor.

Officially, the pro-Macovei demonstrations are being arranged by NGOs. Members of the Democrat Party have announced mass participation. But at the hour scheduled the University Square is overcrowded so that things would be more confuse. What is the significance of the NGO participation in the political battle between the officials in power and the opposition over the status of the controversial minister of Justice at stake? What is it that makes six NGOs of the hundreds that exist and public personalities drop the offer made by some moral top people in order to get involved in politics at public expense?

It is notorious that due to the overwhelming majority the Parliament passed a simple bill against the minister of Justice. The six NGOs are taking a very risky responsibility: to persuade a part of the population against the Parliament, the most important constitutional guarantor of democracy. While trying to make out what is behind this unusual initiative, my colleagues working for the Investigations Department have run into a whole series of interests connecting the respective NGOs and the Ministry of Justice into an occult chain. Some of these foundations are so new that their websites offer no information at all. Some others are better known. The Advocacy Academy, for instance, had a technical assistance contract with the Ministry headed by Monica Macovei. One sponsor of the other organizations is the Freedom House. In January 17, 2005 the latter company got after no auction 31,568 Euro for elaborating a strategy for the Ministry of Justice through Monica Macovei. And finally the Romanian Academic Society, headed by Alina Mungiu Pippidi and founded by Andrei Plesu, formerly an official while the Front for National Salvation was reigning, a Democrat official and also a Presidency adviser, is guilty of at least one gross intellectual fraud. This is actually the name of the Romanian Academy. Since we are talking about intellectual fraud, we aren't hiding our intention to disclose a piece of terrifying information related to the very person who tops this list of spontaneous political activists: Gabriel Liiceanu. In order to be fair I have to ask the following question: how come that Horia-Romanian Patapievici, director of the Romanian Cultural Institute, is on top of the pro-Macovei demonstrations, since it was the government who offered him this job? This is about public funds, just as those Macovei paid so that the six NGOs would cover her back.

But so far the outcome of the investigations we are publishing today shows that the people at the core of the pro-Macovei initiative, the same who are reliable supporters of President Basescu, are in extremely tight connections to each others and interests are at stake. The NGOs they represent are in tight connections to each other too. And they are not at all non-governmental, since they get public funding from the very person they are determined to back. Against who? Against this country's citizens, much harmed by Macovei's Justice and the terrible mess it has brought. And not last they are protecting her against the Association of Romanian Magistrates, who accuses her of political obedience. And I am accusing the occult chain of the same thing.

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