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'Spies' complicate Cotroceni scenario

Instead of disclosing the mystery shrouding the two Romanians arrested in Iraq three months ago by the US military forces, their release is now raising even more questions about Romanian authorities' action during crisis and the presence of the two workers in Iraq. The interview of Nelu Ilie and Adrian Ganceanu for the Romanian Public News Radio Post can cast doubt on the date of the release and on their identity too, if we consider the two Romanians' language. Although authorities say they were set free Friday morning, the two claim it happened Thursday evening.

Another question is when did Presidency Administration learn that Ilie and Ganceanu would be set free, since information reaches Cotroceni Palace from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defense too. Both institutions participated at it and they knew when the two would be freed.

Contradicting statements

February 1. Traian Basescu made a press statement, showing his concern about the situation and claiming it would soon be settled: "Today I have started the necessary procedures to see if it is confirmed that the two were involved in intelligence or if it was just an incident. The two workers were employed in the base by a soda company. I hope things will become clear soon. I am sorry for the mistake I made yesterday, as I wasn't focussing on the information I got and also because of the confusion on kidnap cases." The latter part was about what he had said on Wednesday in Brussels: that he had just learnt about the case.

February 2. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a press release mentioning that at 10:00 a.m. the Romanian citizens had been transferred to the representatives of the Romanian Embassy in Baghdad. It seems the President's attitude helped things settle.

It is just that in their interview the two Romanians throw new light on it and proves they were set free on Thursday evening: "The evening when we were freed we were to be taken to a different prison. But we were happy to see one of the sergeants on duty carrying a piece of paper in his hand and we could see "special" written on it." Since the two had been freed on Thursday, what happened until Friday, when they were transferred to the Romanian authorities? Why weren't they taken straight to the Embassy? (...)

They are home

Adrian Ganceanu and Nelu Ilie arrived to Romania yesterday evening. They flew by a plane belonging to Romavia who had set out from Tallil, stopped in Ankara and landed in Cluj. The two Romanians traveled together with 50 soldiers of the "Transylvanian Dragons" Battalion who ended mission in Iraq. (...


Marius BATCA

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