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  Nr. 3837 de miercuri, 24 ianuarie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief

Rosia Montana project is destructive

Public opinion protests against the Rosia Montana gold mine project authored by Gabriel Resources, research shows. The opinion poll to be read on the webside of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies concludes that no less than 96,87% of voters are against the project and they describe the Gabrial Resources ads as "emotionally manipulative". They opine this project would destroy the ecosystem in the Apuseni Mountains by massive pollution, it would cause the locals to get sick and the landscape to get ruined.

Participants think the Canadian company is not to be trusted, because of providing no guarantee that it will proceed to rehabilitate the area after exploitation. They believe the advantage to consist only in "a few jobs on low wages".

Most participants comment the project has reached the present stage because of the corrupted authorities, always unable to make investors keep their promises.

The Alburnus Maior NGO too expressed disagreement yesterday and warned that a report including favorable statistics data was likely to be produced soon in order to counter citizens' opinions. (R.P.)

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