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  Nr. 3837 de miercuri, 24 ianuarie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief

One doesn't change rules during game

President Traian Basescu doesn't mind the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) initiative to suspend him, but the PSD attempt to change the referendum law depending on the circumstances. This is what Adriana Saftoiu, a spokeswoman for Presidency Administration, explained yesterday.

Saftoiu argued: "The President thinks the initiative to suspend him is a democratic procedure." She outlined that when mentioning the coup d'etat the PSD was plotting, the President meant "the intention to modify the law according to circumstances." The official explained: "One can't change the referendum law when the procedure is ongoing. You open procedures to suspend the President, but you want to modify the law. It means: we are suspending the President for now and then we will think it over. "

She concluded: "The PSD is trying to modify the referendum law because the party has got the impression that there won't be enough citizens to participate at referendum in order to dismiss the President. It is not fair to modify the rules of the game during the game." (A.H.)

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