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  Nr. 3837 de miercuri, 24 ianuarie 2007 
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Parliament of Europe haunted by CIA

The European Parliament's temporary committee investigating the CIA activities in Europe adopted yesterday the final version of the report authored by MEP Claudio Fava. The document includes a recommendation for the European Commission and the Council of Europe, advising the latter should detect breaks of Articles 6 and 7 in the EU Treaty, regarding human rights. (...)

Romania in the Fava report

CIA is suspected of having transported terrorist suspects through European airports to countries where detainees were tortured. The Human Rights Watch accuses Washington arranged secret prisons in Poland and Romania.

In the Fava report there is mentioned that the journalists working for Washington Post and ABC News were under pressure so that they wouldn't point to eastern European states such as Romania and Poland, allegedly housing secret detention centers. Fava also notices Romanian authorities' reluctance to detailed investigations on the secret detention centers on Romania's territory. The Fava report even mentions "regret" that the report authored by the Romanian committee looking into the issue was almost entirely secret and the conclusions seem to be premature and superficial. Still the report adds that Norica Nicolai, head of the Romanian committee, expressed intention that the conclusions should be provisory.

The document adopted yesterday also mentions real concern about the 21 stops of CIA operated planes on Romanian airports. There is specified that many of such planes were coming from or heading states connected to extraordinary extradition cases and transfer of prisoners. It is also concerning, according to the document, that in Romania there landed planes used for the transfer of detainees and the author argues that there were two flights that stopped in Romania, but their destination was Guantanamo.

The author encourages Romanian authorities to do research on the respective flights and concludes that Romanian officials' statements can't do away with a possibility such as CIA having clandestine operations in Romania.

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