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Iliescu wants President to apologize

Ion Iliescu, formerly a President of Romania, demanded Traian Basescu yesterday to apologize for his "offense and groundless accusations" against himself and the Romanian people. Iliescu opined Basescu's "fanciful" approach and his narrow-mindedness were harming Romania.

According to the ex President, Basescu interfered in Justice matters by commenting on "ongoing cases related to myself, which is a form of blackmail and intimidation meant to make me keep silent and persuade the Social-Democrat Party into giving up action." He said he was enraged with the President's comments, claiming Basescu's nervousness was "extreme". Iliescu explains: "He says I am manipulating this action and Mircea Geoana, I am behind this initiative to suspend him. This is nervous response, he has lost control and reason."

Mircea Geoana, president of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), commented in his turn that Basescu's offensive against himself and senator Iliescu proved the President was ''intimidated" and he was afraid the PSD initiative would succeed. As for the accusations against Iliescu, he opined: "What President Basescu did was threat an ex president of state. He gave orders to prosecutors in charge of this case." (R.A.)

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