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Current scenarios

Wandering son is looking for Iosif Constantin Dragan


Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"

Sensational mystery story is about to show its dramatic face as well. Ever since 1996, a young man of almost 30 has in vain been trying to meet his father, who has completely vanished from public life for more than two years now. The father's name is Iosif Constantin Dragan and he is the wealthiest Romanian ever. His fortune can be found in numerous countries all over the world and is estimated to about $ 1 billion. Is Iosif Constantin Dragan under seal? Is he still alive? Isn't there some group of people plotting what we can call the robbery of the century? Does his wife happen to be involved too? These are dreadful questions making the reputable businessman's son start looking for him with help from a team of well-trained lawyers and international detectives as well. The son if looking for his father all over the world, starting from Romania. ZIUA had the chance to meet Mike Fink. At the beginning of the year ZIUA was the first to notice that something bizarre might happen to Iosif Constantin Dragan.

The Romanian's billionaire wandering son was born in Athens and has lived successively in Spain, France, Great Britain, USA, Germany and Italy of course, in Milan. The latter city still hosts one of his father's main residencies. Dragan hadn't admitted Mike was his son till 1996. This was presently done by a court in Germany. Mike Fink and Iosif Constantin Dragan were in perfectly normal terms. There are lots of photos and recordings showing that ever since a child and till his Yale master's degree in psychology and after his Milan master's degree on economics, the two would spend time in the billionaire's lodging places, in famous public spaces or in cruises. The normal father-son relation was suddenly and dramatically brought to an end by a love affair described as "impossible" at that time by some main daily. It was about the love story of a man aged 78 (today he is 88) and a young lady of only 22 then, now 32. Her name was Daniela Veronica Guse. She presently changed her name in Gusa out of fishy reasons. Maybe because she is the daughter of famous general Gusa, who disappeared after the events in December 1989 in fishy circumstances. So the young lady was not coming out of nowhere to meet her great love. And she was surrounded by powerful people: a group of elite officers who had been the general's collaborators. If it is so, things are bad, in case Dragan is indeed under seal or has vanished. Even if they are under cover, the officers' deeds might do real harm to the Romanian army's image. But let's come back to what looked like soap opera till yesterday, for now it looks like real drama and can cause public scandal. But "the impossible love" was still possible and it yielded. Mrs. Daniela has now taken over all Dragan's companies. But it is the officers who actually run them. Mrs. Daniela gave birth to three children of the billionaire's. Two of them are twins. So Michael Fink is no longer alone. He has got a biological father, an adoptive mother younger than him and three little brothers whose father he could have been, due to his age. The only problem, actually the essential problem of his life, is that he can see none of them. Billionaire Dragan's family who excluded him out of the blue without the slightest conflict ever closed like a tin, officers included.

Dreadful suspicion has made Mike interrupt brilliant career, give up the success he has been building for himself to climb a Golgotha for wandering sons at the beginning of the millenium. Although he has appealed to all reliable forces and managed to get the press interested in this, things will be no easy to him. In case Dragan is indeed under seal at the initiative of some criminals, then the latter would try to resist pressure and still keep him hidden and protect this "privacy" at all costs by coming up with huge money and not only. The first threats have already come: National TV station has been threatened because of inviting Mike to attend talk show.

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