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  Nr. 4325 de luni, 1 septembrie 2008 
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Serving the mafia
Even dead, Caiac beat the entire Romanian police. 2, 000 mafia men gathered together to show their muscles in the streets of Craiova, in the very scared eyes of the public order forces. It was also Caiac that made Romania's Liberal interior minister release an order that would bring shame on him at times when the electoral campaign is about to start. Nothing would have prevented minister David from starting the fight against organized crime groups so that the prey would...   (32 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
1 Romanian soldier killed and 4 injured in Afghanistan
-- 1 Romanian soldier died yesterday and 4 were injured in a blast in Afghanistan, according to Realitatea TV station.
Sergeant Dragos Traian Alexandrescu, an employee of the Romanian Ministry of Defense since 2003, was married and had two children.
The Romanian Ministry announces that the blinded vehicle the Romanian soldiers in Battalion 30 were in when returning from mission on Highway A1 (Qalat-Kabul) ran over an exploding...   (25 afisari)
Dan Voiculescu launches immoral campaign
-- Dan Voiculescu, a leader of the PC (Conservative Party), has cheated on the start for the parliamentary elections. Two months before the official opening of the campaign, he has already started giving electoral alms.
The foundation bearing his name has placed tents in Bucharest District 4 and the staff is already giving free T-shirts and trips for the elderly, as well as drawing and foreign languages lessons for the youth. This is happening...   (24 afisari)
PNL and PSD leaders met in secret
According to sources from the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), a meeting was held late last week between the PSD and PNL (National Liberal Party) leaders, with the latter promising to give up the privatization processes scheduled to follow soon.
One PSD vice president mentions: "We asked them to stop the talks about the energy champion. The Liberals said they would no longer go for this idea. But their final decision is due in September 3."
When...   (23 afisari)
Scarecrow for Traian Basescu
The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu claimed last Saturday that he wanted Romania to get a European-like Constitution and he pleaded for a parliamentary republic as follows: "We must head a functional and positive pattern that allows for no slides and doesn't lead to permanent institutional conflicts effecting in standstills, splits and extreme options."
According to the PM, Romanian Presidency is not within the institutional frame and it...   (23 afisari)
ECONOMY - In Brief
Moderate economy
The growth of Romanian economy is estimated to calm down in the remaining months of 2008, despite the latest satisfactorily evolution, according to the CESifo Institute of the Munich University, as announced by the Money Channel.
Experts say the inflation reach will reach 7% in Romania in the third term of the current year, as compared to the 7, 2% the last April-June.
6, 3% is the average estimated for Eastern Europe, as compared to the 5, 8% last term....   (18 afisari)
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